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Inprove your Indoor Air Quality this Fall!
Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality This Fall

What does indoor air quality mean to you? Is it the safeguarding of your own and your family's health, decreased energy bills, better sleep at night and/or improved overall comfort?

Whatever your reasoning, improved indoor air quality has countless benefits that can improve your quality of life!

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor air quality was of much less of a concern, or at least it wasn’t a prominent topic of conversation for homeowners. However, as we are now over a year into this pandemic, the discussion of indoor air purity has heightened dramatically.

Even though the virus is proving difficult to control, we have the advanced knowledge and technology needed to implement valuable protection against the virus for both ourselves and our families!

One of the solutions that researchers have found regarding safeguarding against the COVID-19 virus, as well as its variants, is improving your home’s indoor air quality.

Is your indoor air quality keeping you and your family safe this fall?


What Does Fall Mean For Indoor Air Quality

September took no time in arriving, and with it, a chilly day to start off the new season ahead of us!  But what does this new season mean for your HVAC system? And how will that affect your indoor air quality?

How Does Fall Affect Indoor Air Quality?

  1. Autumn allergies
  2. Lower humidity levels (increased dryness)
  3. Risk of mold
  4. Less air flow 
  5. Increased pollution 


How To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality During The Fall Season

Step 1: Have Your Indoor Air Quality Tested

As you begin the process of improving your home’s indoor air quality, the first step is always to see what you’re working with.

By testing the air purity first, you’ll know exactly what equipment you need in order to target the areas that need attention.


Step 2. Schedule Your A/C and Furnace Maintenance Appointments.

Book Your HVAC Maintenance Appointment Here

Before you say farewell to your air conditioning unit for the season and turn on your heating unit, it is so important that you schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment(s). Why?

Well, first of all, your air conditioner has been working all summer long to keep your home cool. And with the last few weeks of intense heat and humidity, it may need a little TLC! Before shutting it down for the season, make sure it’s ready to go for next year!

Find Out How Your Air Conditioner Can Increase The Quality Of Your Indoor Air

Secondly, your furnace hasn’t been running since early spring. Not only is it probably full of dust internally, but your outdoor vents and units could be buried beneath a year’s worth of debris.


Step 3. Install The Right Indoor Air Quality Equipment.

Once you have tested your air quality and completed your HVAC system maintenance, you will then have the knowledge you need to make the right indoor air quality equipment decision.

Below are some of your indoor air quality options!

Air Purifiers 

Air purification is the process of neutralizing solid airborne particles.

The most recommended form of air purification is that of a UV Air Purifier - the strongest purifying agent in the world!

Air Filtration

Air filtration is the process of blocking toxins from entering the air. The most common forms of air filtration include an HVAC air filter and HEPA Air Filtration.

HVAC Air Filters

Before you even think about turning on your furnace, our HVAC professionals highly recommend changing out your HVAC air filters.

Did you know that you should be replacing your filter every 30 days? If not, the filter could become clogged, preventing air from passing through!

If you do not change the air filter on your central air conditioning, the unit may begin to let contaminants in, causing it to fail.

If you fail to change the air filter on your furnace, the unit is likely to overheat - causing you  an expensive furnace repair.

Home Ventilation

As the weather begins to get chilly, the last thing you want to do is open a window, which is usually the summer solution for indoor air ventilation. With the windows closed and this natural form of ventilation being eliminated, the particles and germs within your home can get trapped inside  - causing poor indoor air quality!

The solution? Home ventilation systems, such as an ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator) or HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator). Both of these systems work to promote healthy air circulation - adding fresh air into your home and removing the stale air trapped inside.


August was definitely a hot one! But with September normally comes chilly, dry air. Plus, as soon as you turn on your home’s heating unit, it will also begin contributing to the dryness.

Common Symptoms of Dry Indoor Air:

  • Chapped Lips
  • Dry Skin 
  • Frequent Bloody Noses 
  • Respiratory ailments 

In order to prevent these symptoms from happening, we recommend installing a whole home air humidifier!


Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality With Campeau Heating in Sudbury, Ontario!

Are you concerned about your home’s indoor air quality this fall? While there are many things that we are unable to control this year, we do have power over the air we breathe within our own homes.

Manage your indoor air quality with our HVAC specialists at Campeau Heating! We always strive to improve your comfort, safety and health!

Contact Our Team at 705-560-2441 or Fill In The Form Below for more information about our indoor air quality equipment at Campeau Heating!


Please complete the form below and a Campeau Indoor Air Quality Specialist will contact you to confirm a suitable appointment time to discuss your needs.

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