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Advice from the Professionals
Air Conditioner Maintenance Can Save You Money and Help Protect Your Whole Family!

Campeau Heating encourages homeowners to schedule preventative air conditioner maintenance in order to save money and protect their families this summer!

Air Conditioner Maintenance Can Save You Money and Help Protect Your Whole Family!

Although it seems counterintuitive to think that spending money on air conditioner maintenance can actually SAVE you money in the long run, but we’re here to tell you that it absolutely can!

And we have YEARS of experience to back us up on this as well. After working in the HVAC industry for over 64 years, there’s a few things we’ve picked up on - namely the common need for air conditioner repair!

But we’ve seen a massive decline in air conditioner repair needs when the proper AC preventative maintenance is put in place. 

Whether you’ve lived in the same house for years or just recently became a homeowner, it’s common to not know when the last time your cooling unit had a check-up. For most homeowners, the need for a check-up only occurs when their AC is in dire need of a tune-up! This, however, could cause a very expensive air conditioner repair bill or even the need to replace your air conditioner all together. 

At Campeau Heating in Sudbury, we always encourage our homeowners to have a routine preventative maintenance appointment scheduled for their air conditioner. Not only can this save them money on tune-ups, repairs and replacements, but it will also save their summer!

Nobody wants to spend the hot and humid days of summer cooped up in an un-airconditioned home! Read on to learn how you can stay cool this summer and save money in the process. 


4 Dangerous Hazards of an Unmaintained Air Conditioner

Like we said, after this many years of hands-on HVAC experience, you start to see some trends. One of the most dangerous trends that we’ve witnessed are age-old AC units that haven’t been properly maintained. They’re usually found buried in a garden, hidden beneath the porch or even intombed in giant leaf piles. 

The worst part however isn’t the outdoor unit - the indoor unit of the air conditioner is where the real dangers lie. 

Although an air conditioner can break in any multitude of ways, there are four extreme hazards that should be addressed when discussing the need for preventative air conditioner maintenance. 

  1. The Risk Of Home Fires

Did you know that, each year, more than 24,000 homes experience a house fire in Canada? Within these 24,000 homes, there have been nearly 400 fatalities. 

House fires are not inevitable. But they are a risk. A risk that can be greatly reduced if the proper preventative measures are put in place. 

Instead of wasting hours of your summer spending your hard-earned cash on an expensive air conditioner repair (or multiple repairs), consider scheduling preventative maintenance check-ups on your appliances. This can help save you, your wallet and your house!

  1. Sudden AC Outages 

Picture this - it’s a hot, humid summer day in Ontario and you’re planning on staying inside your cool home to prevent heat stroke, over exhaustion or other serious health risks.

Suddenly, during the peak of humidity on your relaxing summer day, your cooling unit quits!

If this were early spring or even the fall-time, this wouldn’t be an issue. But during the hottest days of the year - it has now become your main concern!


Because a sudden AC outage can mean more than just a run to the grocery store for popsicles. It can mean severe nausea, fatigue, low blood pressure, heavy sweating and even faintness. It can also cause loss of consciousness, diarrhea and mental dullness in your pets!

If the year 2020 has taught us anything, it is to prepare for the unexpected - and that includes an unexpected air conditioner outage! 

  1. Toxic Indoor Air 

Toxic indoor air - the unpopular, but oh so important topic that most homeowners don’t bother to think about…”what you don’t see can’t hurt you”. 

Except toxic indoor air quality can hurt you, your family and your pets!

One of the most common ways that your indoor air becomes polluted is through a dirty air filter. A small piece of equipment that’s easy to replace, yet also very easy to forget about...

  1. Chemical and/or Water Leaks

One of the reasons that we recommend professional air conditioner maintenance is because of the chemical used to aid in the cooling process - refrigerant (coolant). This toxic chemical is incredibly dangerous and must be handled by a professional. If this chemical begins to leak it could cause serious indoor air problems!


How Can Air Conditioner Maintenance Save You Money?

  1. No More MAJOR Air Conditioner Repair Bills!

Did you know that the average cost of an air conditioner repair in Canada is just over $400? The average cost of preventative air conditioner maintenance service, however, is only around $150! 

That means you can save around $250 by simply scheduling a check-up appointment!

  1. Reduce Your Monthly Energy Bills 

When your air conditioner is properly serviced, both its function and efficiency improve. According to Energy Star, a simple air filter replacement can increase the efficiency of your cooling unit by 15%!

  1. Improve Your Health 

As we’ve mentioned, poor AC maintenance can lead to very poor indoor air quality. And we can all agree that we’ve missed out on far too much of our lives already in 2020-2021. Adding more sick days to the mix of pandemic lockdowns is just not an idealistic option for anyone.

That’s why we encourage homeowners to have their cooling unit properly serviced and cleaned regularly!

  1. Increase the Lifespan Of Your Cooling Unit

If you want something to last, you have to take care of it. That’s just a matter of fact. 

So how come caring for our AC units is not higher on our priority list?

With the proper care, your air conditioner is supposed to last up to 10 years, however with a lack of maintenance and frequent drastic repairs, you’re looking at a very expensive 5 year cooling solution!

Avoid having to buy a new AC unit before your current unit is ready to be replaced by maintaining the unit you have!


Save Money With Proper Air Conditioner Maintenance From Campeau Heating in Sudbury 

At Campeau Heating, we’ve seen it all - from broken capacitors to refrigerant leaks, thermostat malfunctions to clogged filters and, worse, a totally busted AC unit! Most of these problems, however, could have easily been prevented with regular air conditioner maintenance. 

If you’re looking for a stress-free and enjoyable summer this year, consider the benefits of having your AC unit serviced BEFORE a problem arises! Give us a call at (705) 560-2441 or schedule an HVAC maintenance appointment online with our team today so you can start saving your summer plans!

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