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Learning About Boilers: How Do You Choose The Right HVAC Boiler For Your Home?

Learning About Boilers: How Do You Choose The Right HVAC Boiler For Your Home?

Heating equipment has evolved drastically, especially over the last couple decades! And choosing the right heating system for your home may involve more research and decision making than you originally thought.

Today, you now have an extensive number of heating options for your home and hot water heating systems. But which of these systems is best for your space and usage patterns?

This decision will largely depend on how well you know your home environment, but it will also rely on a thorough knowledge of what types of HVAC boilers are relevant to your needs.

So, before we get into the “why” of each boiler type, let’s overview the different types of heating boilers available today!

Common Types of HVAC Boilers:

  • Combi-boilers
  • Steam Boilers
  • Hot Water Boilers 
  • Oil Boilers 
  • Natural Gas Boilers 
  • Electric Boilers

Now to find out which one of these boilers is best for your home!



A combi-boiler (combination boiler) is a rather new design. It actually combines the best features of both a boiler and a tankless water heater into a single unit.

Benefits of Combination Boilers:

  • Frees up floor space.
  • Easy to install.
  • Cheaper to install, as it does not require a tank attachment. 

Since the combi-boiler relies on the home’s main water source, this water is potable and safe to drink (whether it be cold or hot).

But before you choose this boiler option, it’s important to make sure that it can fully meet the needs of your home’s usage, size and family members. For example, if you require on-demand hot water for a large space and a large family, your combination boiler needs to be the right size and capacity.


Hot Water Boilers

Hot water boilers circulate heated water within a system of water pumps. This means that less energy is required to heat the water and more energy is used to circulate the water into the form of heat.

This system is made up of more than just a boiler. It actually requires multiple pumps and/or a gravity return assist. If you are considering installing a hot water boiler, be sure that you first understand the complexities involved in installing this type of system in your home.


Steam Boilers

A hot water boiler and a steam boiler work very similarly in that they heat water in order to heat your home. But instead of circulating the heated water (as a hot water boiler would do), a steam boiler heats its contents to the point of creating steam.

In this way, the energy demands of the system require a large intake of energy in order to heat the water, but a low use of energy in order to circulate it into heat.


Oil Boilers

Oil is becoming less popular today, as it is considered to be a less eco-friendly source of energy. However, if oil is your only option, it does do the trick! And if you live in a more rural area, it might even be your best bet.

With an oil boiler, you don’t have to worry about using electricity 24/7 in order to heat your home. Plus, it is usually a readily available (although non-renewable) resource.


Electric Boilers

Electric boilers rely solely on electricity in order to operate, which can be both beneficial and risky.

Benefits of Electric Boilers:

  • Low Installation Cost 
  • Easy Installation 
  • Energy Efficiency 
  • Quiet Operation 
  •  Overall Home Safety 

Risks of Installing an Electric Boiler:

  • Costly Operation 
  • Risk Of Electricity Outage 

Although an electric boiler may seem like the obvious, modern solution to your home’s heating, it’s important that you weigh the pros and cons of this system before making that decision.


Natural Gas Boilers

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your hydro went out and you could no longer rely on an electrical heating source? This is why many homeowners choose to rely on more than just electricity to heat their homes.

Installing a natural gas heating boiler prevents an electrical power outage from affecting your home’s temperature and livability.

If you already have a propane tank, this is probably the best boiler to choose for your home as well, as it means that natural gas or propane are readily available to you.


Contact Campeau Heating in Sudbury, Ontario, To Learn More about Our HVAC Boilers

At Campea Heating, our professional HVAC technicians have years of experience in installing and servicing a variety of HVAC equipment. Whether you choose to rely on HVAC boilers, furnaces or fireplaces for your home’s heat, our team can install, maintain or replace ALL makes and models!

Still not sure what type of boiler you’re looking for, let alone what size you should be looking at? Give our technicians a call! We can discuss models, budget and capacities with you in order to help solve your home’s heating dilemma - before the cold hits!

You can reach our team at 705-560-2441 or visit us online!

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