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Advice from the Professionals
January 2022

Why Should You Switch To A Tankless Water Heater In 2022?

Campeau Heating in Sudbury, Ontario, explains the benefits of switching to a tankless water heater in 2022.

Why Should You Switch To A Tankless Water Heater In 2022?

Would you believe that one of the most sought after features in a home is its supply of hot water? Although this isn’t something realtors usually include in their home evaluations, it is a prominent feature of the house - and one that is impossible to hide after an attempted hot shower or bath.

During the summer months, a lack of hot water isn’t normally a priority. But, during the cold, winter months of Sudbury, Ontario, not having enough hot water isn’t something you can ignore. Waking up on a dark, chilly morning in January without the comforts of a warm shower is simply not an option - or at least, you wouldn’t choose for it to be.

Whether you are continually running out of hot water with your large family, or your water heater just doesn’t seem to be heating to the proper temperature, our HVAC experts at Campeau Heating can help! 

In this timely article, we will discuss common hot water heater issues, how to identify them and how to prevent them in the future. We’ll then discuss the reasoning and benefits of switching to a tankless water heater system - including energy efficiency, on-demand water heating and space saving! 


Why Is Your Current Water Heater System Not Working Properly?

To start, we’ll tell you how to troubleshoot your current water heater tank  - helping you pinpoint the exact reasoning behind your hot water issues.

6 Reasons Your Tank Might Be Running Out Of Hot Water:

1. Old Age 

Every HVAC system has an estimated lifespan, even your hot water heater! 

In fact, the average hot water heater tank, whether electric or gas, has an average life expectancy of 10-15 years.  

Once your hot water tank has reached this expected lifespan, you’ll likely start noticing a lack of hot water, as well as a myriad of other issues…

Tip: If you’re not sure how old your hot water tank is, check the serial number.

2. Tank Leak 

A tank leak is, unfortunately, not a simple fix. Actually, in most cases it is a clear sign that your hot water heater needs to be replaced. 

Tip: To check for tank leaks, look for drips of water on the tank itself, leaking pipes or a pool of water beneath the tank. 

3. Low Water Pressure 

Low water pressure causes sediment to build-up at a quicker rate. If you’re lucky, and have caught this build-up of sediment early enough, a quick maintenance call can effectively fix the issue. However, if you’ve let this low water pressure continue for an elongated amount of time, then you will most likely need to replace your entire hot water heater. 

Tip: To check for low water pressure in your home, turn your shower and sink faucets on full blast. Then, proceed to flush the toilet. If you notice that the shower’s water pressure slows during the flush, it’s highly likely that you have low water pressure needing attention right away. 

4. Inconsistent Water Temperature 

Inconsistent water temperature is one of the most obvious signs of a broken water heater, as it points to the possibility of malfunctioning heating elements within your tank. 

Tip: Pay close attention to the temperature consistency of your water during a 10-minute shower. If the temperature begins to rise or fall unexpectedly, there is most likely a problem with either your thermostat or your entire water heating unit. 

5. Thermostat Malfunctioning 

A malfunctioning thermostat is a common issue that is highly overlooked when troubleshooting for a lack of hot water. Why? Because it can seem like an oversimplified fix. 

Thermostat settings are easy to change and, oftentimes, are changed by accident due to simply bumping the unit. 

If your thermostat was simply knocked or set lower by accident, this is an easy fix!

Tip: Set the temperature back to normal (around 120 degrees Fahrenheit). If set too low, you could risk bacteria growth within your hot water tank. If set too high, you could risk serious burns to your exposed skin.

6. Broken Dip Tube 

A dip tube is supposed to push cold water to the bottom of the tank where it will be heated. If this piece of equipment is broken, this could cause insufficient water circulation within your tank, leaving your hot water more lukewarm, or even cold! 

Tip: If your hot water heater is over 20 years old (especially those made between 1993 and 1997), you could be causing increased hot water problems, as well as faucet clogging. 


Prevent Hot Water Tank Issues 

To help protect your hot water heater equipment and keep your HVAC system running as it should, we highly recommend scheduling regular preventative maintenance appointments with your Sudbury plumbing crew at Campeau Heating! 

If you’ve noticed any of the above warning signs pointing towards a damaged hot water heater, we encourage you to schedule your HVAC system tuneup with our team as soon as possible. 


Preventative HVAC System Maintenance 

At Campeau Heating, we offer maintenance services for a variety of HVAC equipment - including heating, air conditioning, fireplaces, indoor air quality equipment and hot water heating equipment. 

Replacing Your Hot Water Tank With A Tankless Water Heater

If your hot water tank has reached the end of its life, and it’s time to look into a replacement system, we highly recommend considering a tankless water heater installation - and here’s why!

Benefits Of a Tankless Water Heater:

  • Hot Water On Demand 
  • Less Energy Usage 
  • Increased Efficiency 
  • Longer Lifespan (5-10 years longer than a traditional hot water heater) 
  • Increased Space Availability In Your Home 
  • Endless Hot Water

A tankless hot water heater is both an affordable and efficient hot water solution, providing your whole family with instant and endless hot water. 

How Does a Tankless Water Heater Work?

A tankless water heater doesn’t function with a tank. Instead, they operate on demand - heating water as it is needed, rather than storing it in a large tank until use.

As opposed to a hot water tank, which heats up between 20 and 50 gallons at a time, a tankless water heater provides unending hot water in an instant. 

Install Your Tankless Water Heater With Campeau Heating in Sudbury, Ontario

Is your current water heater not able to keep up with the demands of your home? Has it begun to malfunction, leaving your family to enjoy frigid showers all winter long? 

If so, then this is the year to start considering the installation of a tankless water heater!

Give our HVAC team a call today (705) 560-2441 or contact us online!

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Improving Your 2022 Indoor Air Quality With  Optimal Humidity Control 

Campeau Heating explains the optimal humidity levels for improving your indoor air quality in 2022.

Improving Your 2022 Indoor Air Quality With  Optimal Humidity Control 

With the recent announcement in Ontario regarding the return to Stage 2 of the reopening plan, it’s no wonder homeowners are beginning to rethink their home indoor air quality once again. 

Although this virus and its internal and external effects on our daily lives have been around for quite a while now, there is still much to learn about the virus. And, at Campeau Heating, we are continually finding new ways to help you, as homeowners, use the research practically in order to better combat these unwelcome germs - creating a safer, more comfortable environment for your family. 

If you haven’t taken the time to learn about the ways in which you can help limit the spread of this virus in your own home, this is the year. 

And to help you get started faster, we’ve compiled some of the research below and provided our advice on how to best put this knowledge into use within your own home. 

Our top focus in 2022? Humidity control. 

Note: If you haven’t read our previous article defining humidity, humidity control and the health effects of low humidity levels, we highly recommend giving it a read first!


What Is The Relation Between COVID-19 and Humidity Levels?

COVID-19 has been around for almost two years now and, as we’ve stated above, the journey of discovery surrounding this virus has been incredible! And with a new variant on the loose, there seems to be no shortage of necessary research regarding the control of its spread. 

Here’s one interesting (and quite beneficial) thing we know about COVID-19 and humidity: if controlled correctly, the correlation can appear much like a see-saw - one element lowering as the other is heightened and vice versa (also known as a negative correlation). 

To put this into perspective…

As humidity increases, two things occur to airborne viral droplets:

  1. These droplets weaken more quickly. 
  2. These droplets become heavier, preventing them from travelling longer distances. 

The result? As humidity increases, the general lingering and fast spread of airborne viral droplets decreases.

But wait…don’t make any conclusions about this correlation quite yet!


WARNING: Do Not Crank Your Indoor Humidifier To The Max

Although increased humidity levels have been proven to help combat the rapid spread of COVID-19, increasing humidity too much can actually cause other serious issues in your home. 

The best advice we can give you before we go into further detail is to never set your humidity levels above 60 percent.

How Do High Humidity Levels Affect Your Home?

  • Mold
  • Mildew
  • Rot 
  • Musty Odours 
  • Structural Damage 
  • Dust Mites
  • Warped Wooden Floors 
  • Peeled Paint
  • Moisture Stains

Overall, too much moisture can bring about quite the extensive repair bill…

If your home’s humidity levels are already set too high, don’t worry! With the proper ventilation system installed in your home, you can lower the humidity levels to a more appropriate state.


Is There Really Such Thing As Winter Indoor Humidity?

Before the pandemic began, humidity was simply the unwelcome visitor in summer that brought sticky floors, frizzy hair, clammy skin and the all-too-common phrase - “hot-and-bothered”!

But did you know that humidity can be present in your home during the winter months as well? 

Some of the simple tasks that you complete on a daily basis throughout each season actually create quite a bit of humidity themselves, including: 

  • Cooking 
  • Laundry 
  • Dishwashing 
  • And Showering 

Other Factors Affecting Winter Indoor Humidity Include:

  • Plumbing Leaks 
  • Moisture In Your Foundation
  • Poor Ventilation 
  • Indoor Heating Preferences 
  • HVAC Heating Equipment (age, reliability, usage thereof)
  • And More!


Optimal Winter Indoor Humidity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

And that brings us to the real reason for this article - sharing the ideal indoor air humidity levels for your home this winter. 

Today, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor air humidity should be kept between 40 and 60 percent. And, although there is fluctuation here from season to season, it should remain within that 20 percent variance at all times. 

Winter Indoor Humidity should be a minimum of 40 percent.

Summer Indoor Humidity should be a maximum of 60 percent. 


The Solution To Effective and Efficient Humidity Control

Now that you know exactly what percentage humidity to keep your home at this winter, how are you going to put that knowledge into practice realistically? 

With a whole home humidifier. 

This piece of HVAC equipment works as a constant humidity control feature - maintaining the humidity levels of your entire home all at once, rather than room by room (ie. such as with a portable humidifier solution). 

Other Benefits Of A Whole Home Humidifier:

  • Improved Overall Health 
  • Reduced Energy Bills
  • Improved Sleep 
  • Furniture and Home Protection
  • Healthier Skin 


Start Improving Your Indoor Air Quality With Campeau Heating in Sudbury, Ontario

Our HVAC technicians at Campeau Heating are dedicated to providing our customers with home comfort that is focused on improving their safety and health. That’s why we always stay up-to-date with the most recent indoor air quality research - so that you can trust our team to give you the best advice possible when it comes to your family’s home safety. 

Are you looking to improve your indoor air quality in 2022? Contact our team today at (705) 560-2441 or Fill In This Form to get started on your indoor air quality solution!

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